Sunday, August 17, 2008

Porter starts the big K!!!

So other news from our family is that Porter now joins his brother and sister at school! He is in kindergarten at Edu-prize. He has been at it about 3 weeks now and still isn't quite sure he enjoys it, but is doing better! He seems to like his teacher and class, if it just wasn't soo early. He is not a morning person, that is for sure. Kait and Aust tell him that unless he is throwing up, has a fever, or the runs then he has to go to school. I wonder where they learned that from. It sure is amazing watching these kids grow up. Next month Abby will start Pre-school, which means that for 2 short hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, she will not have any kids at home!

More beach Pics

A week in California

Well, its been a month since we got back from almost a week in California. A few days at Moremamma and Papa's and 4 days down by the beach. 3 days of beach were enough for some in our family. After living 22 years in California, I finally learned (or better stated "tried") surfing. But, I am proud to say I was able to get up!!!! Here are some pics of the family!
