Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Saturday without plans

This morning we woke up and realized we didn't have anywhere to be today. That doesn't happen very often. Last Saturday we had Carlene and Cory visiting, an Alumni Picnic in the afternoon, a baptism after that, and Jenny and I had a dinner to be at in the evening! Needless to say, not much got done around the house.
This week is a different story. After a busy week including wrestling, scouts, tutoring, piano lessons, a dog door installation, and a broken arm, We finally got to take care of chores around the house. The lawn, the pool and filters, and now time to actually sit here and blog.

The quick run down on the arm. This time it was Porter's turn!! He was sliding around on the mats at Austen's wrestling practice and somehow fell or hit his arm wrong. A perk of my job is being able to get his arm X-rayed and an appt. with the Peds Ortho the next day. A small buckle fx of the radial head in the elbow joint! 3 weeks of casting to start with.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

We are slackers!!!!!!

We have not updated our lives since school started and we are already almost at Christmas break! What has been going on? Well, school obviously started, we've been camping at Lake Roosevelt in October, Jenny and the kids went to California for a few days, oh, and we have a new addition to the family. A wonderful new (not potty trained) PUPPY. Jenny decided we needed a puppy and so off she went to the pound. We ended up with Beans, an Australian Shephard, Rottweiler mix 12 week old puppy. She is very active, full of energy, and loves to nibble on almost anything!!!

Enjoy the pics.

Chris and Jenny